With the extension of Christchurch's tram tracks now finally given official approval it reminds me that this is an opportunity that this city cannot afford to ignore. Is this to be a simple extension of a tourist attraction, little more than an amusement park ride? Or will this form the first part of a modern CBD light rail line? I've already outlined what I want to see before (scroll down a bit) so now I want to focus on why we must not let this go to waste.
Presently, the heritage tramway runs past mostly tourist orientated attractions as it pierces the very heart of the cultural precinct. The extensions, however, run right through major retail, commercial, entertainment and medium and high density residential areas. In short it runs through a more cosmopolitan precinct, and one with considerable plans about to go into action which will only amplify its cosmopolitan characteristics. These are not the conditions suitable for a tourist heritage tramway and such an operation would hardly be the best utilisation of the tram extensions for this area. With potential for much higher local use we should be aiming at utilising the new tram extension as a form of public transport. Not only would it be of benefit to the people living, working and playing in this area it would give greater encouragement for the planned developments. As I have said, I've already outlined my views on what we need, right now I'm concerned about actually getting it in the first place. I'm worried this will simply end up as a quaint tourist heritage tramway, still costing an arm and a leg to use trundling around half empty while locals use their cars
Utilising the tram extensions as a form of public transport, would provide encouragement for the planned developments in the area. It would encourage business to grow in the city as the increasing residential population can use the tram to access them rather than go to the suburban malls in their car. It would make this area and the CBD a more livable space. I urge our council not to ignore this opportunity to provide a valuable asset for this city. If we end up with a museum tram, we may as well rip it up again. We won't get value for money.
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